
Mohon Ampun

Assalamualaikum semua.. Just nak kasi tau kat sini.. Apa yang saya post kat dalam blog ni semuanya hanya pendapat bodoh saya semata-mata.. Kalau ada yang terasa tu, saya nak susun 10 jari saya yang kemetot ni nak minta maaf la k? Jangan la marah plak kalau saya ada terpost benda2 yang buat awak terasa k? Peace!

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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

I Got The Job!!

Salam uollss!!

Today I'm so freakin' happy cos dah dapat keja as "litigation clerk" at one of local bumiputera law firm here in Kuching. Semalam pegi interview and today diorang call suruh datang keja esok. Yes! Very outta my field of study but then experience counts nowadays. So aku nak gather experience keja, daripada dok tercongok je kat rumah macam surirumah, padahal takde laki pun nak diserve. :P

Actually tak ramai yang tau aku pegi interview semalam, even my family tak tau. Just can't help myself spreading the words of interview from few of my close friends. Tau2 hari ni kena panggil keja plak esok. Wahhh! So excited!

Besides my happiness, ada gak berita sedih yang aku dengar from a friend of mine last night.. Salah sorang kawan rapat aku masa skolah st mary dulu dah kehilangan bapak hari Ahad lepas. Kesian dia. Kawan aku ni dia selalu create troubles dengan orang lain tapi tak pernah plak dengan aku. That's y aku tak pernah ada issue dengan dia. Dia memang baik dengan aku. So aku ambik kesempatan ni nak ucapkan takziah, my deepest condolence to her and her family.. Semoga tabah dan sabar menghadapi dugaan ini and may your father rest in peace..

Oklah, can't wait for my first day workin' tomorrow. Nanti ada la update pasal keje kat blog ni. Tengok je la nanti. :P

Bye uolss!!


Ani Inherown said...

tahniah kak... kelak blog pasal workplace ktk k.

Miss Azie Cheng said...

thanx, dear!! of course!! hehehehe

Not So Specific About Me..

My photo
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
I'm Azie.. I was born on 18th October 1983, in Kuching.. I have no cute stories to tell u guys as my life is normal. Nothing unusual or unique.. :)